Friday, February 06, 2009

IT 111 Week 5 Podcast - Winter 2009

This short video (2:35 minutes) shows how to determine the dimensions (width and height) and file size of an image using Firefox. I hope it will be helpful when working on the Chapter 4 Assignment.

This podcast includes some announcements, some tips for the Chapter 4 Assignment, and a brief overview of the Chapter 5 Assignment. It mentions a screen reader simulation used by visually impaired people who surf the web and a web-based image editing site called Photoshop Express. I hope you'll check out the screen reader simulation (takes a few seconds to load so be patient) as it will great motivation for including the alt attribute in all your image tags along with good descriptions of the images.

Listen to the Week 5 Podcast (6:47 minutes)
Or, if you prefer, read the printed transcript. PDF

Please feel free to leave a comment!


Micah said...

For some reason I couldn't hear this podcast from the blog location.

Jean said...

I checked and it works for me. Can you test to make sure that you've turned up the volume enough? I'll also check from another computer.

Sorry for the technical problem and thanks for letting me know about it.