Thursday, November 22, 2007

IT 111 Podcast #9 for Fall 2007

This week's podcast has some course announcements, an introduction to Assignment 7, and a very cool web site you'll want to use the next time you fly someplace.

Before you start Assignment 7, look at the Chapter 10 Updates on the textbook web site. There is a correction that will save you time and frustration if you know about it before you begin.

While you're looking at the Updates page, I encourage you to explore the CSS Page Layout Creator. It might help you understand these new CSS techniques or even help you create the layout for your final web project if you decide not to use tables.

Finally, make sure you check out the I used it on both legs of my flight from Seattle to London and had good seats both times.

Listen to the Week 9 Podcast (3:51 minutes long)
Or, if you prefer, read the transcript. (PDF)

Feel free to leave a comment, too!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

IT 111 Podcast #8 for Fall 2007

This podcast has some announcements and tips for completing Assignment 6.

One of the announcements is the online evaluation I'll be ordering for our class next week. Since the evaluation is sent to your email address, I'm asking you to check the email address that's listed for you in our system and correct it if necessary.

The screen snapshot shows the Chapter 6 web page for the textbook and if you want to learn more about the scripts that process forms or free remotely hosted form processing services, check out this page.

Listen to the Week 8 Podcast (4:21 minutes)
Or, read the transcript if you prefer. (PDF)

Feel free to post a comment!

Friday, November 09, 2007

IT 111 Podcast #7 for Fall 2007

This podcast has some additional tips for Assignment 5 and includes two book recommendations as well. The web page to the left shows Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug. The NSCC library has a copy but if you decide to purchase it, do it from this web site.

Here is a link to Eric Meyer's CSS Compatibility Chart but I think you might want to use the one from the W3Schools web site instead. It is more up-to-date.

The NSCC Library web site will help you order and/or place a hold on the two books mentioned in the podcast.

Thanks to Lisa for finding and sharing the Seattle Times article about Vint Cerf a founder of the Internet back in the 1960s.

Listen to the Week 7 Podcast (4:14 minutes)
Or, read the transcript if you prefer (PDF)

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

IT 111 Podcast #6 for Fall 2007

This podcast introduces Cascading Style Sheets and Assignment 5 which covers chapter 9 in the textbook. The screen snapshot to the left is of the W3Schools CSS Tutorial which I strongly encourage students to use as they begin learning CSS.

I'll get the test graded ASAP and I apologize for the technical problems that arose during the test. I know it impacted at least one student who had planned on taking the test in the afternoon.

Listen to the Week 6 Podcast (4:16 minutes)
Or, read the transcript if you prefer. PDF

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