Tuesday, October 07, 2008

IT 111 Week 3 Podcast - Fall 2008

This is a picture of an "EnergyPod" used by staff at Google and other high tech firms for short naps. A recent article in the Seattle PI discussed the role of sleep and naps in creativity and problem solving. The article might convince you to get more sleep!

This podcast describes the work flow I recommend when coding and testing your web page files. You might want to print out the transcript for this podcast to have a written description of the work flow, too. It also discusses my communication style and approach to grading.

Listen to the Week 3 Podcast (6:56 minutes)
Or, if you prefer, read the transcript. PDF.


Anonymous said...

I get about 7 hours of sleep most nights. Occasionally, I'm awake later, asleep earlier, or sleep in, but my average is about 7 hours. Much less than that and it catches up to me pretty quick so that a longer sleep is called for to recover.

Anonymous said...

I try to get 8 hours. I suffer from insomnia, so I might wake up during the night or find it hard to go to sleep. I have to work at getting 8 hours.

Jean said...

I confess, I'm not a good sleeper and I also have to work at getting enough sleep.

Anonymous said...

My intention is to be in bed by 10pm, because I get up at 5am, get ready for work, do homework and have to leave for the bus to go to work by 6:45am so I can be in before 8am. However, I usually can't actually get to sleep until midnight, sometimes later. So most days I get about 5 hours of sleep. Every few weeks i will sleep through my alarm and wake up at 8am and feel really rested and relaxed. I realize this is not the best system, but I have gone over and over my schedule and I am not sure how else to make working full time and going to school and not having a car (I am traveling to an from work 2 hours monday through friday) work out to 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night.