Monday, June 25, 2007

IT 111 Podcast #1 for Summer, 2007

This podcast introduces IT 111 Internet and Web Authoring using XHTML. I'll be experimenting with two communication tools this quarter. One of them is Skype (web page pictured to the left) and the other is Meebo. Listen to the podcast or read the transcript to find out more.

I've created an online version of the orientation for those who can't attend the on-campus orientation on Tuesday, June 26. The orientation will help you understand how the class works and I guarantee you'll be more successful if you take the time to watch it. The orientation is organized into five parts and it takes about 30 minutes to watch the entire thing. You'll find a link to it on the course web site.

Listen to Podcast #1 (4:35 minutes)
Or, read the transcript if you prefer!

Please feel free to add a comment.

Monday, June 04, 2007

IT 111 Podcast #10 for Spring, 2007

This weeks podcast has some class announcements, tips for the final project, and a discussion about password management systems. The screen snapshot to the left shows the Lifehacker blog posting on handling passwords. Read the entire posting called Track your passwords ten different ways.

I've decided to make taking the second test optional and the podcast explains why. If you want to take the test, it will be held on Thursday, June 14 from 5pm - 7:30pm in TB 1643B.

The quarter is almost over and next week will be my last podcast for the class.

Listen to the Week 10 podcast (4:39 minutes)
Or, if you prefer, read the podcast transcript. (PDF format)